Justin Timberlake Produces Golf Video With Overtones Of Child Cruelty and Pushy Parents

anger 3Well done to Geoff Shack for highlighting this trailer to a film called “The Short Game” based on the Kids World Championship, and produced by Justin Timberlake. The video is on YouTube and just comes across downright wrong on so many levels.

It depicts seven year old kids pulling car tyres and straining to do sit ups, temper tantrums on the course and pushy parents (with alarming similarities to those children’s beauty pageants).

winners postive not negativeThere’s  a pretty frightening clip of a father scolding his sobbing daughter, “Winners are positive, not negative. You do not win being negative,” he says.

The message in the trailer seems to be to highlight the lengths these kids will go to to win.  Seemingly lost along the way, in this video at least, is the message of fun, participation and sportsmanship.  Of course I’m well aware a trailer is designed to provoke a reaction, heighten interest and get you to go out and watch the film.

And I’m all for the promotion of kids golf but this video certainly doesn’t do it.

anger 5anger4


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