Tiger and Entourage Act Like Complete Pricks Says Dentist At Airport

Here’s a nice little snippet from Ryan Ballangee’s Tiger Tracker who tells the story of a Providence dentist Larry Levin who unwittingly crossed the path of Tiger and his entourage at a small airport.

dentistThe dentist was so upset with the experience, he took the only option available to him, and wrote a letter to the editor of the Providence Journal. It read….

Dear Mr. Woods:

I was one of the 10 or so people who watched your plane arrive on [Aug. 29] at North Central State Airport [in Smithfield] for the Deutsche Bank tournament. I happened to be at the airport to put something in my plane and heard that many of the golfers had been arriving. We were quite a distance from your aircraft and the fact someone in your party had to admonish the airport workers for our presence is disgraceful!

These are the airport workers who cheerfully fuel our planes in the cold of winter and pouring rain for little compensation, as they work for the state. These are the same workers who carried your golf bag off the plane, along with your luggage, and loaded your car for you, without even a “thank you,” a “hello” or a “have a nice day.”

A smile by you or a little acknowledgement and appreciation would have been much more appropriate than your companion lecturing the airport staff about how “NO ONE” was supposed to be at the airport, including the pilots who own planes and have every right to be there.

streetdentists004This note is not about money, tipping or status. It is about treating people who are kind to you with just a little respect. I, for one, truly appreciate the great job that the staff of Providence Jet Center do for us and all the aircraft that fly into North Central State Airport throughout the year, and felt bad for them the other day.

It is unfortunate that you and your team felt it necessary to berate those hardworking people instead of acknowledging them for their efforts.

The evidence against Tiger here looks circumstantial but I will say this,  I just hope he doesn’t need a root canal in Rhode Island any time soon.  I can see it getting done minus the anaesthetic! 



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