The Deleted Offensive Golf Channel Martin Luther King Dream Tweet and Replies

For those of you who don’t know or care yesterday was the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s "I have a dream” speech.  It’s a day when the people of America, already so sensitive about absolutely everything race related, are on heightened alert.

tweet5So when the GolfChannel sent out one of those bulk corporate tweets asking "what’s you golf dream,"  a veritable shit storm ensued.

After a barrage of replies from horrified Americans, the GolfChannel was forced to delete the tweet and publish an apology.

tweet4For those of us not living in America it’s hard to find any offence in the tweet, but in the States, race relations are a very touchy subject.  To put it in context it’s like the GolfChannel tweeting “what’s your favourite gas”  after hearing about a chemical warfare on a village in Syria.

They didn’t, but it’s not good.

Here’s some captures of the tweet and some of the “horrified” responses. 





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