Bound And Gagged. Why I Feel The European Tour Would Be Happier If GolfCentralDaily Didn't Exist

First of all let me say this. I'm Irish and I love the European Tour.  When I turn on my laptop to blog on GolfCentralDaily I always first try to see if there's anything from Europe to post about.  I know loads of players, caddies and people who work in and around the European Tour who read the posts on my site and enjoy them.  Yet I get the feeling the European Tour would much rather if GolfCentralDaily didn't exist at all.

I'm not a news website. I don't really worry about who shot 64 etc, there's tonnes of other sites doing that exact thing really well. I'd rather post about Joel Sjoholm's funny outfit, Michael Hoey doing impressions, Anders Hansen doinking a ball off a bridge and back into the hole or other such nonsense that I think is funny and worth a look. I am guilty of interspersing little clips of all these cool things with my own videos on YouTube so that I can then share them on GolfCentralDaily.  Well, I used to do that.

Now my GolfCentralDaily YouTube channel has been shut down.  The straw that broke the camel's back was when the European Tour issued a copyright strike against a five second clip I posted of Charl Schwartzel hitting off a road.  Of course I shouldn't be recording what's on the TV in my sitting room, but it's hardly reason to have my channel shut down. I'm just a kitchen table blogger, if I didn't keep the funny bits, they would be gone forever.

Remember the bit in the Shawshank Redemption when Andy Defresne locks the door and plays the record on the speaker?  You do, because you can watch the scene anytime on YouTube because lots of people of have put it up there. Yes they've all breached copyright, but hey what harm is it?  I'm not saying I'm a saint, but punishing GolfCentralDaily for posting little non-descript videos which actually promote the European Tour is disappointing.

The last actual video 'of a player hitting a shot' the European Tour have posted themselves on their YouTube channel is Rory McIlroy hitting a drive at the Scottish Open.  That was weeks ago for God's sake.  So who is doing more to promote the European Tour, me or them?  And I don't ask or get a penny for all the work I do.  No. I get a copyright strike, YouTube channel shut down and effectively told to shut up.

Contrast all this with the PGA Tour who post thousands of videos on YouTube all embeddable.  It's a dream to deal with.

I would love if the European Tour rang me up and said we'd love for you to keep an eye out and put any video you think is quirky and funny etc up on our YouTube channel.  I would do it for free. But that's not going to happen.

Instead of spending five minutes uploading a video to promote the Tour, somebody is otherwise employed to spend the time issuing copyright strikes to me and people like me about my paltry clips.

I will keep trying to promote everything that's good about the European Tour, even though I really feel the powers that be would be happier if I was gone away.

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