Mark Steinberg To Sue After Man Accuses Tiger Woods Of Skipping Burger King Queue

Tiger Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg, told reporters today he will take legal action against a man who claims Tiger Woods skipped a Burger King queue in front of him.

Retired shop owner Brandon Clamtree, 62, described Woods as having a "cavalier" attitude toward queues after he jumped in straight at the top of the line and ordered a flame grilled Whopper with extra bacon. Steinberg, of Excel Sports Management, told in a statement and during a phone interview that he was “fairly sure” that Clamtree also held his arm straight out while pointing Woods, which Steinberg claimed was a clear reference to Woods controversial drop at The Masters.

"Mr Clamtree’s comments about Tiger Wood’s queuing habits are completely out of line," Steinberg told reporters. "Having reviewed CC footage, Tiger voiced his position that it looked like there was a serving point with no one at it. There was no intention to deceive anyone. Clamtree’s uninformed and malicious opinions, passed on as facts, and his desperate attempt to garner attention is deplorable."
Steinberg further elaborated by banging the table and saying
"This is the most deplorable thing I have seen. I'm not one for hyperbole, but this is absolutely disgusting.  Calling him a queue skipper? I'll be shocked, stunned if something is not done about this. Something has to be done.  I have to give some thought to legal action."
Clamtree later told his side of the story.
"When I was in the fourth grade, I skipped 100 places in the lunch queue at school.  When I got back to class my teacher had written on my maths test: 'Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive; I  spat all over your spaghetti!' It was an oft-quoted line from the epic poem 'Marmion' by Sir Walter Scott, and my teacher's message was clear," Clamtree said.
"Drawn once more beneath that quote was my grade of '100,' but this time with a line drawn through it and beneath that a ‘Q’. I never did ask my teacher how she knew I skipped the queue and I certainly didn't protest the grade. I knew I had done the wrong thing and my teacher the right, but I never forgot the way I felt when I read that quote."
ron"I remember when we only talked about Tiger's golf. I miss those days," Clamtree said. "He won five times and contended in majors and won the Vardon Trophy and ... how shall we say this ... was a little cavalier with the queues."

More as it emerges.


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