Samuel L Jackson To Star As Greg Norman in Sharks On A Crappy Plane

Apparently Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is hoping to secure funding to make a sequel to Snakes On A Plane.  The follow up “Sharks On A Plane” is set to recount the true story of the horrific ordeal suffered by Greg Norman this week when his private jet was forced to make an emergency landing at Geneva Airport. He was en route to the Omega European Masters.  Dead ringer for Norman, Samuel L Jackson is keen to take the role.

greg norman plane crashNorman was whisked off to hospital for treatment on a severely bruised ego and a prawn sandwich stain on his t-shirt when a lunch plate malfunctioned in the incident, slipping from a table.  He was released three minutes later.

"We were going 60, 70, 80 knots, the wheel went 90 degrees, the nose started kangarooing and stuff in the cabin was going everywhere," Norman said after his practice round at Crans-sur-Sierre. "All the cabinets in the galley came out. The shaking was pretty violent. Nobody knew what was going on."

For those who don't understand the aviation phrase ‘The nose started Kangarooing’;  he mean’s the nose made a Skippy-esque  tut tut tut noise, beckoning Greg towards the stranded kid stuck down the old mine shaft. It’s quite common on private jets.

And those of you worried about the cabinets in the galley, they were fine too.  There was some concern about a scuff on an early Victorian era mahogany tea chest with ivory beading but this proved fine after some french polishing made it as good as new.

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