Watch a cricket superstar almost pull off the craziest recovery shot at St. Andrews' Road Hole

We've seen some crazy shots at St. Andrews' Road Hole -- which is to be expected on a hole that involves a tee shot over a hotel and a road with a stone wall by the green that's very much in play. Who could forget Miguel Angel Jimenez's incredible ricochet recovery during the 2010 Open Championship?

But we have a new contender for craziest shot and it comes from retired Australian cricket star Shane Warne, who was playing the Old Course in a Dunhill Links practice round on Tuesday. Take a look:

Warne didn't quite get enough backspin on the shot to hold the green, but it was a nice try -- even if that hospitality area is way, way out of bounds. And since there was no video posted of his next shot from the treacherous Road Hole bunker, we'll assume it didn't go too well.



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